1. Zeb Haradon Interview - ART INTERVIEWS
Zeb Haradon directed and starred in “Elevator Movie,” one of the most idiosyncratic, and challenging surrealist films I've seen in a long time.
Zeb Haradon directed and starred in “Elevator Movie,” one of the most idiosyncratic, and challenging surrealist films I've seen in a long time. It's a disturbing, mesmerizing, and psychologically perverse film about a shy man who is stuck in an elevator with a born again Christian woman with a promiscuous past for months. The film makes up for its low production values with originality and provocative performances. It will be screened this weekend at the Three Penny Theater at 2424 North Lincoln on 8/22 at 7:15 and 8/23 at 9:30 pm. as part of the Chicago Underground Film Festival. He answered a few standard questions by e-mail, and offered some insights on his background, influences, “Elevator Movie,” and future projects. He also offered some tidbits on “ Waiting for NESARA ,” his upcoming conspiracy theory documentary. It's about a group that believes that Bill Clinton died and was replaced by a look-alike, and they plan to replace Bush with a UFO riding Jesus. It promises to be as quirkily fascinating as his first feature. Can you tell me about your educational background? I went to SUNY Buffalo , a four-year New York State college, and majored in cognitive science (the formal study of intelligence – a hybrid of psychology, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics). I took a couple film and art classes as I had the time. I took film history, which was just watching old movies, and a class on the history of photography, and one on the histo...
2. Zeb Haradon | 366 Weird Movies
Zeb Haradon, writer/director/star of the Certified Weird Elevator Movie, has asked us to submit a revised “Top 10 Weird Movies” list.
Saturday Short, Shorts
3. Karl Is Out Of Opium - Zeb Haradon - Google Books
A mysterious horde of cannibals called The Sea People has broken into Karl's building and is slowly making its way up the hundred floors to his apartment.
A mysterious horde of cannibals called The Sea People has broken into Karl's building and is slowly making its way up the hundred floors to his apartment. While he waits for them to make it to his floor and kill him, he passes time by attempting to chat with his two sex robots. He would rather smoke opium, but he's run out. The only drug left is the mushrooms that his ex girlfriend left behind.
4. Waiting for NESARA (2005) directed by Zeb Haradon • Reviews, film + cast
Documentary about a group of ex-Mormons who believe that the National Economic Security and Reformation Act was secretly passed by Congress but suppressed by ...
Filmed on location in Utah in the months between September 11th, 2001 and the start of the war in Iraq, "Waiting for NESARA" documents the true story of The Open Mind Forum, a messianic group of Salt Lake City ex-Mormons, and the radical faith that binds them together in the wake of 9/11. The group anxiously await the implementation of NESARA - a miraculous secret law hundreds of years in the making— that they believe was blocked and covered up by the Bush administration. The group believes that the 9/11 attacks were Bush's first attempt to delay NESARA's implementation, and that the Iraq war will be his second.
5. Karl Is Out Of Opium by Zeb Haradon | Goodreads
The only drug left is the mushrooms that his ex girlfriend left behind. Show more. 32 pages, Kindle Edition. Published November 7, 2021. Book details ...
In this short story, a mysterious horde of cannibals ca…
6. November 20212 - Zeb Haradon
Nov 11, 2021 · He would rather smoke opium, but he's run out. The only drug left is the mushrooms that his ex girlfriend left behind. You can get it here .
7. The Eternal Recurrence - Film Threat
Dec 16, 2023 · The Eternal Recurrence is written and directed by Zeb Haradon. The filmmaker used various AI tools to complete the film, which is in the distinct vein of Dali ...
By Bobby LePire | December 16, 2023
8. Karl Is Out Of Opium by Zeb Haradon on Apple Books
The only drug left is the mushrooms his ex girlfriend left behind. GENRE. Sci-Fi & Fantasy. RELEASED. 2021. November 8. LANGUAGE. EN. English. LENGTH. 31. Pages.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy · 2021
9. Waiting for NESARA | Rotten Tomatoes
The true story of The Open Mind Forum, a messianic group of ex-Mormons, and the radical faith that binds them together ... Cast & Crew. Zeb Haradon thumbnail ...
The true story of The Open Mind Forum, a messianic group of ex-Mormons, and the radical faith that binds them together.
10. WAITING FOR NESARA - Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews
(director: Zeb Haradon; cinematographer: Zeb Haradon; editor: Elisa Haradon; music: 3 Leg Torso; cast: Jim, Marge, Joey, Art, John, SallyRuntime: 77; MPAA ...
11. Zeb Haradon
Jun 12, 2021 · They were made up mostly of ex and excommunicated Mormons who believed that the law would be announced and implemented imminently, that that the ...
12. 60. ELEVATOR MOVIE (2004) | 366 Weird Movies
Jun 23, 2010 · Hardon's followup film was the documentary Waiting for NESARA (2005), about a bizarre UFO cult composed of ex-Mormons. ... Zeb Haradon created one ...
“I think it was from taking the elevator to my dorm room every day in college. I developed this weird thing with elevators. It wasn’t fetishistic or anything, I was just always thinki…
13. DVD Talk
Aug 31, 2008 · Writer, director and everything-else-er Zeb Haradon makes it look ... With characters broken in twain broadly - the extroverted, born-again, ex ...
Elevator Movie
14. Christof Koch, Ph.D. - Allen Institute
A robust ex vivo experimental platform for molecular-genetic ... Gregor, Zeb Haradon, David R. Haynor, John G. Hohmann, Steve Horvath, Robert ...
Christof Koch is a Meritorious Investigator at the Allen Institute.
15. Enhancer AAV toolbox for accessing and perturbing striatal cell types ...
3, Zeb Haradon. Zeb Haradon. 1Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA ... ex vivo brain slices derived from neurosurgeries. Notably, cell ...
We present an enhancer AAV toolbox for accessing and perturbing striatal cell types and circuits. Best-in-class vectors were curated for accessing major striatal neuron populations including medium spiny neurons (MSNs), direct and indirect pathway ...
16. Local Sightings Film Festival 2005 - Northwest Film Forum
(Zeb & Elisa Haradon, 2005, DVD, 77min.) Filmed on location in Utah in the ... ex-Mormons, and the radical faith that binds them together in the wake ...
Trouble Brewing
17. [PDF] Cell type-specific transcriptome profiling in mammalian brains
Fowler, Jeff Goldy, Benjamin Gregor, Zeb. Haradon, David Haynor, John Hohmann ... Streit: Ex vivo cultures of microglia from young and aged rodent brain ...
18. [PDF] Iowa Official Register 1899
... ex officio, constitute the Executive Council. A. H. DAVISON, Secretary of ... Haradon. Marshalltown. May 12,1898. Page 112. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. 85.